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Economic Stress Can Cause Health ProblemsPosted By admin On March 12, 2009 @ 10:59 am In Health
A bad economy can take its toll on the heart with increased stress, poor eating and forgoing healthful activities like going to the gym when money is tight. UCLA cardiologists suggest the following tips to help protect the heart during this time of financial uncertainty.
Adults: 10 Healthy Heart Tips in a Bad Economy
—Avoid salty, fatty food: To save money, eat out at restaurants less and cook at home from scratch eating simple fresh foods.
—Don’t skimp on healthcare: If prescription costs are a concern, check with your doctor since many pharmaceutical companies offer lower cost prescription programs.
—Keep up the exercise: Even if you have to drop your gym membership due to costs, participate in inexpensive options like walking in the neighborhood or swimming.
—Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke: It’s better for your heart and wallet to quit smoking since it’s an expensive habit. Smoking markedly increases the risk of heart attacks and heart failure.
— Reduce stress: Spend more time with family and friends. The key to keeping stress from harming your health lies in finding a positive outlet, like exercise, or meditation.
—Get your cholesterol checked: The only way to know if you have a healthy cholesterol level is to get it checked. High cholesterol does not cause any symptoms until it is too late.
—Maintain a healthy cholesterol level: The ideal level for your LDL (“bad” cholesterol) is less than 100. Certain individuals need to achieve even lower LDL cholesterol levels.
—Get your blood pressure checked: Many patients with hypertension are not aware that they have this condition.
—Maintain a normal blood pressure: Your systolic blood pressure should be below 140 and your diastolic blood pressure below 90. Certain individuals need to achieve even tighter control of their blood pressure.
—See your doctor: Regular medical follow-up is one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy and avoid problems down the road.
(URL to article: http://egpnews.com/?p=7634)