Attention: Mr.Shuakat Tarin,
Honorable Federal Adivisor to the Prime Minister on Finance,
Government of Pakistan.
Honorable Sir,
This moderator Saeed Khan Abbasi once again offers his SEMFO Global Plan based services to the federal government in the face of your recent announcement regarding the $4bn's budgetary support which you seek from Friends of Pakistan forum(an international donor set up).
I have already annoyunced and offered in November 2008 to help Pakistan in crucial recession situation and to obtain adequate funding through my suggested strategy without relying on the IMF and other donor agencies.As I have offred and challenged before and again I offer and challenge that:
@ Through my SEMFO Global Plan based strategy I can enable Pakistan to arrange around $25bn to $35bn for a long term period besides enabling Pakistn's next budget DEFICIT Free despite stern conditions.
Following is the news text of Mr.Shuakat Tarin's press conference of Monday, April 13,2009.
Pakistan to seek $4bn budgetary support from FoDP: Tarin
Says militancy caused closure of 22,000 industrial units in NWFP, Balochistan
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
By Khalid Mustafa
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will seek $2 billion for security related projects; $4 billion as budgetary support for health and education for next years and $1-2 billion for Trust Fund to cater to development needs of NWFP and Balochistan, said Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance Shaukat Tarin
Flanked with Federal Information Minister Qamar-uz-Zaman Kaira, Tarin during the press briefing on Meeting of Friends of Democratic Pakistan here on Monday said that Pakistan having sustained $35 billion loss in the war on terror during last 7 to 8 years will sensitise the Friends about worsening law and order situation that has arisen out of fight against militancy.
He mentioned that because of the increase in militancy, some 2,200 industrial units in terrorism-hit NWFP and troubled Balochistan have been closed down and about 590 units are in operational form.
“This has triggered huge poverty in the said federating units, which has given impetus in militants’ activities in general in the whole country and in particular in NWFP.” Tarin said: “During the FODP and Donors moot, broad based problems of Pakistan will be identified.”
Pakistan diverted huge resources from other sectors of economy to fight war on terror, which is why main social sectors of education, health and projects to erase poverty remained neglected.
Pakistan is in dire need of $4bn for allocating maximum budgetary allocation for education and health, which will ultimately help erode the poverty. “Pakistan is at present spending 15pc of GDP on education while 0.5 to 0.6pc of GDP on health which is very low while India is spending 4 to 5pc of GDP on health and education.”
He said that on security front, Pakistan needs Special Forces equipped with latest equipment and training to deal with militants, as the conventional forces of Pakistan do not have capacity to deal with this menace.
To a question he said that Pakistan would seek $2 billion for security related schemes. He said that because of the ongoing war Pakistan has now about 300,000 Internally Displaced People who need to be taken care of properly, but Pakistan lacks resources to handle IDPs.
When his attention was drawn to the fact that donors are ready to come up with about 60 billion dollars commitments but they want the transparency of international standards to gauge the right utilization of funds, Tarin said that Pakistan would ensure the transparency in utilisation of funds and good governance while getting the commitment of about $30 billion for medium to long terms partnership for development in various sectors of economy.
The advisor said that Pakistan needs to get its house in order and the commitment for transparency and good governance has been included in the 9-point agenda, which Pakistan would share from FoDP.
Coming to the initiative that the government is undertaking to address the poverty, safety nets would be ensured under Benazir Income Support Program. For this purpose, with the help of World Bank, poverty census has been initiated in about 16 districts.
“Once this process gets completed, every house which falls in the poverty census will be given Benzair Card of Rs1,000 per month. Moreover one person of the said house will also be given skill keeping in view the needs of their particular areas so that he could get the jobs there. The skill development would also be given for overseas employment.
“This will help reduce the poverty in the country.” He said that Health Insurance of Rs20,000 for below poverty people would be introduced.
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