• Through the said SEMFO Plan, I would enable Pakistan to draft Deficit Free Federal Budget despite stern domestic and international economic conditions.
• By presenting the said plan I would like to set the example that besides government, people from all walks of life should move ahead to get the country out of such crisis-like situation without any political or vested interest.
• SEMFO plan is aimed at enabling strong lobbying & image building strategy throughout the world for Pakistan with the help of private sector.
• My proposed SEMFO Plan will enable Pakistan to get rid of trade, fiscal and social sector deficit.
• It will enable Pakistan with immediate emergency liquidity funding to tackle the default threat. In the face of Pakistan’s recent requirement for around USD: 6 to 9 billion's funds during November 2008 for which Pakistan had to opt for the IMF Loan Facility finally, such funding is possible through the SEMFO plan.
• With SEMFO Plan, there would be no need to rely only on the IMF or World Bank for Pakistan’s own fiscal and economic budget making, while these donors and agencies like the IMF, WB, ADB and Friends of Pakistan will be engaged as Pakistan's Economic Development Friendly Advisors instead of the only Loan Providing Sources.
• SEMFO formula would help Pakistan to avert any default situation in international market (as it is due in February 2009 because of a due payment against USD: 500 billion's Euro Bonds).
• SEMFO Plan would enable Pakistan to generate funds of about USD: 40 to 50 billion for three and five years' fiscal period.
• SEMFO Plan would slash high inflation rate. For example from recent/current inflation rate of 17% can be slashed to 2% (Over all 25% to 4%), Poverty rate of current 40% can be decreased to 15% and gradually at very low level. Besides this SEMFO Plan will make more than 50% increases in currency value.
• SEMFO would increase Pakistan’s GDP growth rate from 3-4% to 25% and 50% onward in short period.
• My plan would enable the ongoing current account deficit of 15% to around 5%, Pakistani reserves will be more than USD: 10 billion constant for five years, foreign remittances of Pakistani abroad will be turned into attractive investment plan which would enable Pakistan to have about USD: 15-20 billion reserves in account.
• According to the said SEMFO Plan, Pakistan would not need to slash a huge amount of 60 to 100 billion rupees instead of this our budget would provide more than 100 billion rupees for development projects.
• Stable and positive purchasing power for all Pakistanis with an investment heaven image of Pakistan is the focus with this plan.
• I also offer to prepare a "Credible Recovery Plan" of Pakistan for international donor agencies, countries and monetary organizations like the IMF, WB etc as well as domestic agencies to get Pakistan out of 700 billion rupees outstanding amount, which Pakistan has to pay.
• I am quite sure that by implementing this plan, Pakistan would not only become more economic power in the region but would be a leading Food and Energy Resources Generating and Planning country of the world.
(Note: Statistics quoted above are based on October-November 2008’s statistics).
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